Free Charge, IAMAI - Current Affairs Questions and Answers

1)   Number of internet users is expected to reach ____ million by December 2015 according to an IAMAI report.

a. 403
b. 402
c. 303
d. 302
Answer  Explanation 


According to a report by Internet and Mobile Association of India/IAMAI and IMRB, around 402 million people will have access to the internet by December 2015 registering a growth of 49% over the previous year. 306 million of these will have access to internet from mobile devices up from 276 million in October 2015 and internet in India has taken a decade or more to move from 10 to 110 million and 3 years from 100 to 200 millions. It has taken only one year to move from 300 to 400 million users according to the report. Currently, India has the 3rd largest internet user base in the world. China currently leads the world with over 600 million users.